FREQUENCY Coordination
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SPECTRUM Coordination
The Karo-Echo Coordination Team: Don, NI6A, team lead. Fresh team members are solicited. Contact ni6a at arrl dot net
Job Duties: To coordinate radio frequency usage for radio disaster services in order to minimize interference on Ham, GMRS, FRS, and Digital Networks and establish a Message Center protocol to coordinate and maximize inter-operability between networks, as well as to titrate message precedence.
Communications Coordination encompasses two critical domains
1: Ham Radio Simplex Frequency Coordination
A: Ham Radio Simplex Frequency Coordination between all Karo/Echo CERT Areas and the EOC
B: Ham Radio Simplex Frequency Coordination with neighboring EMcomm (Emergency Communications organizations and ACS (Auxiliary Communications Systems) Outside of Kensington/El Cerrito
2: FRS/GMRS Frequency Coordination
Each CERT Area will cooperate by reporting their primary and secondary FRS and GMRS frequencies. Frequencies/channels should be staggered in order to avoid inter-area interference between adjacent CERT areas. Intra-area channel choices are relegated to the individual CERT area coordinators, but should be coordinated through KE's Coordinating body. Each Area shall do their own intra-area mapping in the attempt to establish 100% communication between FRS block stations and Ham radio dual station or GMRS/Ham dual stations for relay to the Area ICP without the need for relays, if possible.
The following CERT areas have applied for the following frequencies.
CERT AREA KEN6: FRS/GMRS Channel 6 primary and FRS/GMRS Channel 1 secondary. Status: Coordinated
CERT AREA EC1: Status: Pending
CERT AREA EC4: FRS/GMRS Channel 2 primary and FRS/GMRS Channel 7 secondary . Status: Coordinated
CERT AREA EC5: FRS/GMRS Channel 5 primary and FRS/GMRS secondary (TBD). Status: Coordinated
CERT AREA EC7 FRS/GMRS temporary allocation with EC8 on Channel 4
CERT AREA EC8: FRS/GMRS Channel 4 primary and FRS/GMRS Channel 6 secondary. Status: Coordinated
CERT Area EC9 (Now Designated Delnorte) : FRS/GMRS Channel 15 primary and FRS/GMRS Channel 2 secondary Status: Coordinated (Note EC9 is now an open net. Anyone can take NCS, or if no NCS, the format will be as in an open roundtable. Please drop your name or callsign to announce yourself.
Channels 8-14 are restricted to 1/2 watt for both GMRS and FRS and are to be used intra-block (SAR, Triage, Fire Suppression, etc)
Channels 1-7 are for longer range comms such as inter-block comms to and from the AREA ICP where GMRS are allowed 5 watts and FRS 2 watts maximum.
Channels 15-22 are restricted to 2 watts FRS and 50 watts GMRS
Channels 23-30 are restricted for GMRS repeater inputs .
GMRS/FRS Mapping: Each CERT Neighborhood Area should be mapped so that block dead spots and hot spots are identified and remedial measures implemented.
Frequency Coordination between CERT areas (Inter-Area) through the use of Amateur Radio and GMRS Interfaces
The KARO/ECHO primary frequency 146.415 MHz with 146.475 MHz as secondary.
The assigned Contra Costa County OES frequency for KARO/ECHO CERT is 146.475 MHz simplex.
No GMRS inter-area coordination has yet been established.
Mapping: All operators should become familiar with propagation characteristics over local terrain. We know that the earth, steel concrete buildings, and large objects impede signal through put. Each location should get a good idea of these basic principles through mapping stations that they are able to establish direct contact and those which are marginal or out of range. Each operator must experiment in order to understand basic radio propagation principles. Beginners can practice at each net simplex check-in. Each HAM station should have the capability of contacting the EOC on simplex. Each FRS/GMRS station should strive to contact their Staging Area or ICP. If limited to FRS please map your own neighborhood block to establish maximum range. When range needs to be extended explore the possibility of installing an outdoor GMRS antenna and/or increasing GMRS power output.
Mapping Tool: Just enter the address that you want to contact and see the path and obstructions if any
Coordination with neighboring EmComm organizations
Communication and coordination is necessary in order to minimize interference and to arrange for mutual aid if needed, since, many disasters are local and not widespread equally among geographical regions. Mutual-aid can take the form of training exercises, skilled operators, and sharing needed resources such as water, food, medicines, generators, skilled nursing, rescue equipment etc. This is especially valuable if our local agencies are overworked and unavailable.
Ham Simplex Frequencies for West Co Co County
CoCo County OES Martinez Siimplex 146.505 mHz
Richmond City 147.450 mHz Simplex CERT & EOC
San Pablo 147.495 mHz Simplex CERT
Pinole 147.570 mHz Simplex CERT
Crockett 146.490 mHz CERT Simplex
Hercules 147.540 mHz CERT Simplex
Richmond EOC Monthly Radio Tests first Thursdays 10:30 AM 147.450, 441.000 and 223.400 Simplex
KaroEcho 146.415 mHz Thursdays 1900 but not until the West Co Co net ends Simplex
Local GMRS/FRS Nets
Del Norte -- EC9 FRS/GMRS Neighborhood Net First Wed. 1900 ch. 15 (This is an open net) Join
EC4 FRS/GMRS Neighborhood Net First Wednesdays 1845 ch. 2
KEN6 FRS/GMRS SW Kensington Net: 1st and 3rd Mondays, channel 6 (462.6875) at 1900
West County GMRS/FRS Wide Area Net -- first Wednesdays -ch 19 (alt ch. 17) simplex at 1100
East Richmond Heights First Wednesdays (R2R) FRS/GMRS 1930 Ch.7
BeCERTAINN(Berkeley CERT And InterNeighborhood Net)-1930 1st & Last Tues GMRS Ch.22/R (+5 PL 88.5)
Albany CERT Radio Club weekly FRS/GMRS Net every Wednesday at 1900 on FRS/GMRS channel 19
Live SDR Feeds to Contra Costa County Fire, Police, CalFire, W6CX Repeater, and related live feeds
Local and Regional Ham UHF/VHF and Area HF Nets -- All Times Are Local
Repeater Output Frequencies are those listed. Input offsets for 2m is 600kHz + (up) or - (down).
The 70cm transmit offset is 5mHz up (+)
VHF/UHF Weekly Nets:
1935 Mon CoCo Cty Repeater Assn (CCRA) 145.41, 147.735, 145.490 kHz, -600kHz, PL107.2 (WA6HAM Linked Repeater System)
2000 Mon Salvation Army Team Emergency Network (SATERN) 147.060 mHz +600kHz, PL100 (linked with 224.780 + 1.6/441.325 + 5 mHz (W6CX/MDARC Repeater System)
2000 Mon SF Amateur Radio Club 145.150 mHz (-600) DTCS 664
1930 Tues Marin RACES Primary 146.7- mHz - pl 203.5 Bahai, pl 179.9 Mt. Tam (East Peak), pl 167.9 Mt. Barnabe (Novato), 192.8 Tam West Peak (All Linked Simulcast System)
1915 Tues West Marin 443.250 mHz pl 179,9+ and 147.330 mHz pl 192.8+ Tam Middle Peak (both stand alone repeaters- not linked)
2000 Tues (every 2 weeks) Contra Costa Digital Practice Net 147.060 + (100PL); linked with 224.780 MHz; PL 77.0, and on 441.325 + (PL 100.0)
1900 Wed SkyWarn Net 147.060 + (100PL)
1930 Wed UCB/EECS ARC -- Cory Hall UCB with NU6XB/W6BB NU6XB/R 442.275mHz + 103.5 ctcss UCB EE & Computer Science ARC with W6BB UCB ARC
1845 Thurs West Co Co County ARES/RACES EmComm Net 145.110 mHz (WA6KQB/R TX -600 kHz PL 82.5)
1900 Thurs KAROECHO EmComm, Preparedness & Training Net 1900 not before the West County RACES Net ends 146.415 mHz Simplex
1915 Thurs NALCO ARES/RACES (Berkeley/Albany) 440.900 mHz (TX +5 PL 131.8)
1920 Thurs CoCo County OES County-Wide RACES Net 145.41, 147.735, &145.490 (WA6HAM Linked Repeater System TX -600 PL 107.2)
1930 Thurs Oakland ARES/RACES 146.880 mHz (repeater TX -600 PL 77)
1900 Thurs Alameda City ARES 444.575 mHz (+) 88.5 ctcss K6QLF/R
1930 Thurs Contra Costa Communications Club Net Social Session 145.110 mHz (WA6KQB/R TX -600 kHz PL 82.5)
0900 Sat Bay Area EMCOMM Net (Coastal Bay Area Counties) 0900 145.110 -600, 0915 444.275mHz +5 mHz), 0930 224.300 mHz -1.6 mHz, All PL 82.5 WA6KQB/r (Note: the 444.275 net is primarily for local CERTs, but all are invited to participate)
0710 M-F 4C's Over the Hill Net 145.110 mHz (WA6KQB/R PL 82.5- ) (rag chew net)
VHF/UHF Monthly Nets -------
1845 First Wednesday/mo East Richmond Heights Ready to React WA6DUR/R 442.150 +5mHz, pl tone 107.2.
1200 Wed Bay Area Hospital Net (BAHN) 4th Wednesday 147.060 mHz +600 kHz (100PL) on the MDARC W6CX Repeater
1030 Thurs Richmond EOC/Comm Center, Radio Tests First Thursdays/Mo 1030 147.450 mHz, 1045 441.000 mHz, & 1100 223.400 mHz simplex
HF Weekly Nets --------
1100 Mon California Emergency Services Net (CESN) 3992 kHz LSB primary or 3960 kHz LSB alternate (monitor only)
2000 Mon ACS California Emergency Services Net (CESN) 3992 kHz LSB primary or 3960 kHz LSB alternate (monitor only unless registered ACS station) California Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS)
1000 Wed California Emergency Services Net (CESN) 7230 \kHz LSB Primary or 7192 kHz LSB Alternate (Mutual Aid Regions 1 through 6)
(formerly California State RACES: (Mutual Aid Regions 1 through 6).
Forum These nets are for State, County, and local government ham radio stations only.
1800 Tues Marin RACES NVIS NET: 1800 3895 kHz LSB. Then move to 5405 kHz (ch5) USB, and lastly 7228 kHz LSB
1800 Thurs Contra Costa County HF EmComm Net 1800 7213 kHz (+/-) LSB, 1815 60m ch2 (5346.5 kHz), ch3 alt, 1830 3893 kHz (+/-) LSB
0800 Sat. 3890 kHz LSB Bay Area Disaster Preparedness NVIS Net (formerly Bay Area Red Cross Net)
1230 Sat-Sun Weekend Swap Net 7240 kHz LSB LSB Every Saturday and Sunday 1230
1130 Sat-Sun Just another Net (Jefferson Noon Time Net extension) 7204 kHz
0800- Sun Marin County W6SG Sunday 3915 kHz LSB also at 0900
1600 Sun NR5NN’s 60 Meter 5.332 mHz 60m CW net
1800 Sun NR5NN’s Sunday 80 Meter 3.548 mHz FRN/80m CW net
HF Daily Nets ----------
0830 M-F California Rescue Communications HF Net West Coast Traffic Handling & Emergency Traffic Weather 7250 kHz LSB
1800 M-Sat San Joaqin Net, 3918 kHz LSB
1830 Daily California Traffic Net 3906 LSB kHz daily (California, Arizona, and Nevada) National Traffic System Net 0200 UTC
1900 Daily Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net 3975 kHz LSB
1900 Daily Northern California Net (NCN) 3533 kHz CW Northern California and Nevada Traffic Net Daily
2100 Daily Northern California Net (NCN) 3533 kHz CW NCN Slow Speed CW Traffic Net Daily
1945 and 2130 Daily RN6 -- The Sixth Region Net (NTS) 3575 kHz National Traffic System California, Nevada, and Arizona
2030 Daily Western Area Net (WAN) NTS 3552 kHz (altrnative 7052 kHz) National Traffic System Area Net for RN6, RN7, and TWN nets
1100 M-F CARS (California Amateur Radio Service) 7250 kHz LSB CA Radio Service Website
1030 Daily The Noon-Time Net 7284 kHz LSB Early Session -- formal at 1200 noon
1130 Daily The Noon-Time Net 3970 kHz LSB 75m Net (handles NTS radiogram traffic via liaison)
1130 M-F Swap Net 7235 kHz +/- QRM LSB Swap Net and Rag Chew Net
1230 Sat-Sun Weekend Swap Net 7240kHz LSB 7240 kHz LSB Weekend Swap Net Every Saturday and Sunday
1130 M-F Jefferson Noon Net 7204 kHz early session
0700 Daily Group 7155 on 7155 kHz LSB Rag Chew -- All topics --
1800 Daily Western Public Service System (WPSS) Net 3952 kHz LSB 1800 early check-in Formal Roll Call starts at 1930
2000 Daily Mission Trail Net 3857.5 kHz, LSB
Legacy National Traffic System/Radio Relay International System
California Traffic Net 3906 LSB kHz daily at 1800 LSB (California, Arizona, and Nevada) National Traffic Net
Golden Bear Amateur Radio Net 3975 LSB kHz Daily 1900
Radio Relay International (Nationwide Traffic Net Directory)
Western Area Traffic Net Directory -- needs updating
Sixth Region Net (RN6) 3575 kHz 1945 and 2045 Daily (high speed CW)
Western Area Net (WAN) Daily 3552 kHz at 2030 (high speed CW) Area Traffic Net for the Western United States
North West Net (NWN) 3567 kHz (CW) Daily 2200 -- Clearinghouse net for left over traffic)
ARRL Net Directory Search
Northern California Net (NCN) Daily at 1900 on 3533 kHz CW (Northern California and Nevada Traffic)
Northern California Net (NCN) Slow Speed Net 2100 Daily 3533 kHz CW (Northern California and Nevada Traffic)
Adjacent Alameda County Ham Frequencies and Weekly Nets
NALCO ( Berkeley/Albany/UCB/Alta Bates Hospital)
Frequencies ....... Offset/Tone ...... Weekly Net ....... Notes
147.480 ....... Simplex
224.900 ...........(-1.6Mhz) 123.0 (New PL) ...... .Low-level ARES/RACES use (SECONDARY)
440.900 ...........(+5MHz) 131.8. .......Net Thu 19:15 ..... Low-level ARES/RACES use (PRIMARY)
147.2550 ......... (+600 kHz) 123,0 ...... Low Level ..... ARES/RACES use (Tactical)
1285.55 ...........(-12MHz) 114.8 ................................ Low-level ARES/RACES use
BEcertainn (Berkeley GMRS CERT Repeater Network)
462.725 ...........(+5MHz) 88.5 ..........Net First and Last Tues of every month 1930 ....... Low Level CERT GMRS Repeater
ORCA ( Oakland )
Frequency .......... Offset/Tone ........ Weekly Net ....... Notes
146.88 ............ (-) 77.0 .................Net Thu 19:30
442.40 ............ (+) 77.0
147.585 ........... Simplex (PRIMARY)
146.565 ........... Simplex (SECONDARY)
ARCA ( Alameda )
Frequency ........... Offset/Tone ........ Weekly Net ....... Notes
444.575 ............ (+) 88.5 ............... Net Thu 19:00
146.505 ............ Simplex (PRIMARY)
146.535 ............ Simplex (SECONDARY)
Marin Amateur Radio Society (MARS) and RACES
146.7- mHz ........... 1930 Tues Marin RACES Primary - pl 203.5 Bahai, pl 179.9 Mt. Tam (East Peak), pl 167.9 Mt. Barnabe (Novato), 192.8 Tam West Peak (All Linked Simulcast System)
443.250 mHz ........... 1915 Tues pl 179,9+ and 147.330 mHz pl 192.8+, Middle Peak (both stand alone repeaters- not linked)
3895 kHz LSB ........... Then move to 5405 kHz (ch5) USB, and lastly 7228 kHz LSB , 1800 Tues Marin RACES NVIS NET: 1800
3915 kHz LSB ........... 0800- Sun, Marin County W6SG Sunday, also at 0900
3. Coordination with local NGOs to Aid Messenger Services
Local running, bicycling, Scout Troops, PTAs, service organizations, Neighborhood Watch, and Church organizations are potent resources for runners, scribes, crowd control, and CERT volunteers within the CERT areas. Be sure to include them as a valued resource.
4. Training in Efficient message center operations should be made available as well as FRS/GMRS and radio training classes. Since smooth Interoperability is key, all radio frequencies should be coordinated by the KAROECHO Coordination body.
Not only ham frequencies need to be coordinated in order to avoid interference; but also FRS/GMRS CERT frequencies. A message center model for each ICP must be established so that messages can be triaged/titrated and handed off from one service to the other be it by ham, FRS, GMRS, runner, or bicyclist.
Cert blocks and CERT Area ICPs must be COORDINATED as to frequencies or they will interfere with each other. Interference with neighboring CERT areas such as Berkeley, Albany, and Richmond on our borders can and should be avoided, through coordination.
Role of a Neighborhood District Communications Coordinator
A List of Relevant HF, VHF, UHF SIMPLEX EmComm Frequencies in our area
Link to FRS/GMRS frequencies, numeric designators, and power limitations
El Cerrito/Kensington CERT Area Maps and Area Coordinator Contact List
El Cerrito Kensington CERT Disaster Staging/Gathering Areas (Unfortunately this information is no longer available)
Northern California Band Plans by NARCC (The Northern Amateur Relay Council of California)