
KARO ECHO Handbooks, Checklists and other Documentation


How to obtain your entry ham ticket: A KAROECHO guide to the Technician License and further Upgrades

Primer for New Licensed Hams in El Cerrito/Kensington: Getting Started 

Recommended Base, Portable, and Mobile Dual Band Antennas for Newbies

Base, portable, and mobile antennas for vhf/uhf disaster communications (more detail)

Primer on the Pros and Cons of Handheld, Mobile, Portable, and/or Fixed Station Operations


KARO-ECHO TRAINING GUIDE  Based on the Four Levels of Skill (Detailed long form)

The ABCs of Battery Power

Battery Emergency Power Operations 

KARO ECHO Go Kit / Checklist Recommendations. This Go-Kit is based on the above four types of deployment (Level A, Advanced B, Extra C, and MAT Qualified).

KARO/ECHO Simplified three page Jump Kit (Go-Kit) Check-List

A Jump-Kit Check-List with Extensive Discussion/Explanation

Karo-Echo  Disaster Communications Plan 

Karo-Echo Standard Operating Guide (SOG) -- DRAFT Document. A SOG can succinctly define policy, intent, responsibilities, and list/name practices procedures without detailing how or why they are implemented. It serves as a general introduction to the scope of an agency such as ours, as well as an introduction to affiliated organizations. New members might also become better acquainted as to our mission, goals, purposes, intents, and direction after reviewing the KAROECHO SOG.

High Frequency Operations (HF) 

Short Introduction to HF Antennas and Propagation

Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) antennas for short range radio communications (short skip)

Introduction to HF,  Short Wave, and SDR Listening 

Reducing RF Noise Interference on HF (the High Frequency bands)


KARO-ECHO Net Script

Net Operations and Procedures

KARO/ECHO How to Work a Directed Net Click here

Critique/Cold Wash/Debriefing: Lessons Learned on the September 30, 2018 KaroEcho SET

KaroEcho Sept 30, 2018 SET Broadsheet.  Detailed SET Info Sheet Here  --  Held in parallel with the KE CERT Drill

Fundamentals of Net Control (based on lessons learned since the 2018 SET (by KM6UCF, KE6BEE, and NI6A) 

Using Q signals and Handling Instructions (the HX field in the ARES message form preamble)  


An Annotated Glossary and Acronym List (EmComm_Glossary_Acronyms)

Best Practices and Procedures: The Contra Costa County ARES EmComm Operations Document (Contra Costa EmComm Operations Procedures)

Original Co Co County Op Aid 1 (rev-06/2024)

Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale 

The Role of a Message Center and Message Center Manager

Role of a Neighborhood District Radio Communications Coordinator (DRCC) in Creating and Maintaining Neighborhood Comm Hubs

Emergency Communications Field Operations Manual and Handbook (Karo-Echo) (Rev 04/2020)

Definitions of ARES Message Precedence Designators (Emergency, Priority, Welfare, and Routine).

Formal Written Traffic versus Point to Point Verbal Tactical Comms: When to write it down and when not to.

Handling Welfare Traffic and ARL Numbered Messages 

A list of Relevant VHF and UHF SIMPLEX Frequencies in our area

Message Handling Best Practices  This is a detailed,  advanced, and rigorous Instructional guide. (see Chapt. 8 of KE Field Operations Handbook) 

Obtaining Fills efficiently in Message Handling (short easy to understand primer)

Using ICS-213 Form Made Simple

Comparing ICS-213 Message Form with the ARRL Message Form (a very short critique)

A Breakdown of the Elements of the ARRL/ARES Standard Message Form Made Simple for Dummies!

A Short Example Why We Use the ARES/ICS Modified/hybrid Message Form

Utilizing the FOUR Time/Date Stamps of the KE Modified form 213, with clarifications on word count (check). 

A Succinct Presentation of  How to Use Prowords, Get Fills, Use Op Notes, and Handling Instructions Based on the 03/25/2021 Net

Sample Forms

The KARO-ECHO HYBRID/Modified ICS-213 ARES/RACES MESSAGE FORM as fillable PDF or in MS Word format 

ICS-213 (pdf) (fillable PDF)    (Word dot doc ) (ICS Standard Form)

ICS-213 Fillable. docx (ICS Standard Form)

ICS 309 Communications Log KE-ARES (PDF) Printable

ICS-309 KE-ARES Fillable Log Form (MS Word)

ICS-309 KE-ARES Fillable Excel Format (xlsx)

CERT FRS/GMRS Radio Operations and Guides (for Rote Beginners and Advanced)

Disaster Communications Primer for El Cerrito/Kensington CERT Trainees (Short Form)

Graphic Diagram of Emergency Communications Tiers Depicting how FRS/GMRS Interoperates with Ham radio and the EOC

A Detailed Introduction Using Family Radio Service (FRS) and General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) Radios for Disaster Communications (Long Form)

How to Run a CERT FRS/GMRS Directed Net Operation Control Operation on Tier 2 (to and from Blocks to Area ICPs) 

FRS and GMRS Channel/Frequency and Power Limitation Chart according to the most recent November 2017 FCC Rules 

Quick 1 page guide for FRS/GMRS radio operations. If you read only one page, read this one. 

What Radio Equipment is Desired for FRS, GMRS, and Ham Radio EmComm Use?

Club Info

KaroEcho  Constitution/Charter Third Revision  (Adopted January 10, 2022)

Volunteerism: How to approach volunteers in a friendly and productive manner:  RealTeamwork!

Club Insurance: KARO ECHO has purchased a full coverage Liability Insurance policy including an equipment insurance floater through the ARRL  Copies of our insurance coverage descriptions can be found here (Liability Policy) and here (Equipment Insurance Policy floater).

KaroEcho Past Minutes (See the bottom of Past Events Page)

KARO ECHO Newsletters

KARO ECHO Treasurer Reports